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Weather Watcher Live

Weather Watcher Live - электронный "Гидрометеоцентр", работающий через Интернет: показывает подробный прогноз погоды для выбранных населенных пунктов. Кроме этого, есть возможность посмотреть снимки территории, сделанные со спутника.  
 Программа имеет навигационную карту мира, в базе которой учтены тысячи городов по всему миру. Четко сбалансированный интерфейс позволяет управлять программой и получать всю нужную информацию несколькими нажатиями кнопок мыши. Уникальность программы проявляется еще и в том, что она создает обои, отображающие полную информацию в реальном времени о погоде в любом городе.  
Основные возможности программы:
 • Получение прогноза погода от самых авторитетных зарубежных метеостанций.  
 • База городов, включающая в себя список из нескольких тысяч наименований.  
 • Показ изменений погоды в реальном времени.  
 • Система 24/7 (24 часа/ 7 дней в неделю).  
 • Предупреждения об изменениях погоды.  
 • Добавлены 700 метеокарт.  
 • Легкий доступ к метеорологическим видеозаписям и фотоснимкам.  
 • Поддержка скинов и плагинов для визуализации.  
 • Полностью настраиваемый вид иконок в трее.  
 • Технология двойных иконок для более мобильного получения информации.  
 • Поддержка прокси-сервера.

История изменений

Weather Watcher Live 7.2.275

Всего записей: 41940 | Зарегистр. 24-06-2001 | Отправлено: 16:44 17-09-2001 | Исправлено: Komandor, 20:10 05-02-2023

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ADDED: Added dew point as an option to display in the "Now" section of the main window. Click "Settings" at the bottom, right of the main window to enable this setting (Splendid 4 skin only).
ADDED: Added precipitation, humidity, humidex, and dew point to the "Now" section of the Text Only skin.
CHANGED: When editing weather stations in the "Stations" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window, the zip code can now be changed too.
FIXED: When running Weather Watcher Live for the first time after a new install, some maps were missing from the "Maps" button menu in the main window.
FIXED: In the "Now" section of the main window, humidex was missing the degree symbol in the "Currently" section (Splendid 4 skin only).
FIXED: In the "Now" section of the main window, the max feels like was incorrectly showing the max temperature in the "Upcoming Weather" section (Splendid 4 skin only).
FIXED: When using a Weather Underground weather station, the link was not opening to the proper location when clicking the Weather Underground logo in any section of the main window (Splendid 4 skin only).


CHANGED: Assigned all heat related weather alerts to the "Air Quality Alert" category in the "Weather Alerts" section of the Options window.
CHANGED: Added white background and border to icons in Now/Hourly/Daily sections where appropriate to improve appearance.
FIXED: After selecting "Refresh Weather" from the system tray menu, the menu could not be accessed again until the weather finished refreshing.
FIXED: "Map Zoom Level" was disabled in the Splendid 4 skin settings for international Weather Underground weather stations.

В действительности всё совершенно иначе, чем на самом деле. © Сент-Экзюпери
Не верьте золотом покрытым пластмассовым словам!

Всего записей: 4312 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2007 | Отправлено: 07:20 02-07-2013

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Кому нужен тпкой неоправданно гигантский скриншот в шапке?

Всего записей: 8449 | Зарегистр. 13-10-2008 | Отправлено: 08:01 02-07-2013

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Скрин кликабельный, с официального сайта, кто вставлял, не знаю, не нравится - переделай, ну или тупо - не смотри на него.


CHANGED: The titles for all available weather alerts now appear in the red banner at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window.
CHANGED: Adjusted the next couple days of the daily forecast to show the highs/lows from the hourly forecast to improve accuracy.

В действительности всё совершенно иначе, чем на самом деле. © Сент-Экзюпери
Не верьте золотом покрытым пластмассовым словам!

Всего записей: 4312 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2007 | Отправлено: 08:11 02-07-2013 | Исправлено: klarus, 07:19 04-07-2013

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  ADDED: Added "Add More Maps" menu item to the bottom of the maps menus.
  ADDED: Added new skin icon sets (DD Crystal, DD Kor, and DD Magical).
  CHANGED: Modified daily forecast to use the hourly forecast data to calculate a more accurate low for first day in the forecast.
  CHANGED: Reordered the highs & lows in the "Temperature" section of the "Now" section of the Splendid4 skin so they appear in sequential order for each time period.
  FIXED: The correct humidity min/max now displays in bar graph of Splendid3 skin for Weather Underground weather stations.
  FIXED: Humidex value was not displaying in the hourly forecast when Celsius was selected in the "Conversion" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window

Всего записей: 360 | Зарегистр. 22-07-2005 | Отправлено: 19:24 16-07-2013

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FIXED: The main Weather Watcher Live window was not responding to mouse clicks while the weather was being retrieved.

В действительности всё совершенно иначе, чем на самом деле. © Сент-Экзюпери
Не верьте золотом покрытым пластмассовым словам!

Всего записей: 4312 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2007 | Отправлено: 07:48 03-09-2013

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Weather Watcher Live 7.1.106

Всего записей: 5570 | Зарегистр. 13-12-2005 | Отправлено: 09:31 03-09-2013

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    FIXED: The Monthly Observations window was always displaying the temperature in Celsius when both was selected for temperature in the "Conversion" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.
    FIXED: Some alert descriptions were being truncated incorrectly in the red alert banner at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window.
    ADDED: New hot keys allow for easier navigation in main the Weather Watcher Live window. Press Esc to close the window, F5 to refresh the weather data, and Ctrl+Tab or Left & Right arrows to navigate between the Now/Hourly/Daily sections.
    ADDED: The year is now displayed beside the month for all months in the Monthly Observations window.
    CHANGED: The Local Observations window now remembers the last screen position when reopened.
    CHANGED: In the Splendid4 skin, made the dash separating the temperature spans lighter for easier reading.
    FIXED: The wind gauge arrow was not always obeying the "Wind Gauge Arrow" direction setting in the Settings.
    FIXED: When the weather alert window was displayed within the main Weather Watcher Live window, it was sometimes auto closing when the weather data was auto updated.
    FIXED: The Monthly Observations window was not displaying the last day of the month when the month names wrapped to a second row at the top of the window.

Всего записей: 360 | Зарегистр. 22-07-2005 | Отправлено: 01:21 05-12-2013

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ADDED: Issued and expires time stamps now display at the bottom of weather alerts.
FIXED: The "+" button in the Map Browser window was not opening the Map Manager window to allow new maps to be selected.
FIXED: Made some changes to the weather update process to prevent Weather Watcher Live from becoming unresponsive in cases where the weather data could not be downloaded.
FIXED: The new alert popup window was sometimes loading with a blank alert text area.
FIXED: The Local Observations window was always displaying the temperature in Celsius when both was selected for temperature in the "Conversion" section of the Weather Watcher Live Options window.

Всего записей: 360 | Зарегистр. 22-07-2005 | Отправлено: 02:12 20-02-2014 | Исправлено: Dalmair, 02:12 20-02-2014

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FIXED: Sunrise/Sunset times were not displaying for Weather Underground weather stations.
CHANGED: Upgraded to new WeatherBug Pulse data feed—which has more accurate hourly temperatures and precipitation forecasts.
CHANGED: Modified the internal data caching to prevent data that is not updated often from downloading on every data refresh.
CHANGED: Modified the first day of the daily forecast to show the high/low from the hourly forecast if there is conflicting information in those forecasts.
CHANGED: Removed the time zone from the "Updated" time at the top of the main Weather Watcher Live window when the time zone could not be calculated (that time is always in your local time anyhow).
FIXED: The "History" link at the bottom, left of the main Weather Watcher Live window was broken for Weather Underground weather stations.
FIXED: After right-clicking the Weather Watcher Live system tray menu in Windows 8, the Windows taskbar menu would sometimes appear.
FIXED: Weather Underground weather stations were showing an incorrect time zone abbreviation (standard time instead of daylight savings time) in the last updated time stamp.
FIXED: Expired weather alerts were continuing to display on the main Weather Watcher Live window in a few rare cases where the expired time was incorrect.
FIXED: At certain times of the day, some Weather Underground weather stations were only showing one day in the daily forecast.
FIXED: Sunrise and sunset times were not displaying for some international locations.
FIXED: Tweaked "Rain Today", "Monthly Rain", and "Yearly Rain" formatting to allow proper conversion when using international decimal and digit grouping formats.
ADDED: Sunrise/Sunset times are now available for international Weather Underground weather stations.
FIXED: Current humidity was not available for some Weather Underground weather stations.
FIXED: "Actual High" and "Actual Low" temperature values were not displaying in the tray tooltip window for Weather Underground weather stations.
FIXED: Some WeatherBug weather stations were showing the weather station unavailable message -- even though the weather station was not really unavailable.
FIXED: "Rain Today", "Monthly Rain", and "Yearly Rain" values are now available in the tray tooltip window for Weather Underground weather stations.
FIXED: The Map Browser window would not load when the map list contained a map that was not an image -- had to filter out maps that linked to web pages.
FIXED: Sunset/Sunrise times were not displaying properly at times when the clocks changed for Daylight Savings Time.
ADDED: Issued and expires time stamps now display at the bottom of weather alerts.
FIXED: The "+" button in the Map Browser window was not opening the Map Manager window to allow new maps to be selected.
FIXED: Made some changes to the weather update process to prevent Weather Watcher Live from becoming unresponsive in cases where the weather data could not be downloaded.

Всего записей: 360 | Зарегистр. 22-07-2005 | Отправлено: 15:02 23-07-2014 | Исправлено: Dalmair, 15:03 23-07-2014

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  * CHANGED: Made some changes needed to get ready for some weather data feed updates that are going to break Weather Watcher. Installing this update will ensure Weather Watcher is ready to handle those updates.
  * CHANGED: Made some minor tweaks to speed up the weather update process when using Weather Underground weather stations.

Всего записей: 4312 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2007 | Отправлено: 21:51 25-07-2014 | Исправлено: klarus, 11:24 04-12-2014

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Это что же, так испортили ее в новых версиях, что пропал просмотр погоды по дням "Daily" ?
Или у меня одного такое?  

И когда ж такое началось?

Всего записей: 858 | Зарегистр. 19-06-2011 | Отправлено: 17:25 06-12-2014

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Или у меня одного такое?  

У меня так же на одной из станции (по моей местности их 4).

И когда ж такое началось?

Точо не скажу, сам на 7.1.138, с ней всё ок.

В действительности всё совершенно иначе, чем на самом деле. © Сент-Экзюпери
Не верьте золотом покрытым пластмассовым словам!

Всего записей: 4312 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2007 | Отправлено: 17:51 06-12-2014 | Исправлено: klarus, 17:52 06-12-2014

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У меня так же на одной из станции (по моей местности их 4)

А у меня такое везде, на всех 3-х по моей локализации ..

Всего записей: 858 | Зарегистр. 19-06-2011 | Отправлено: 19:19 06-12-2014

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ADDED: New color settings are available in the "Tray Icon" --> "Colors" section of the Weather Watcher Options window to set different tray icon colors for weather warnings, weather watches, and all other weather alerts.
FIXED: Some temperatures were not rounding up properly (e.g. 45.5 to 46).
FIXED: Some weather stations outside of the US were often showing a feels like temperature that matched the actual temperature in the daily forecast.

Всего записей: 4312 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2007 | Отправлено: 06:25 10-12-2014

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Можно спросить, каков смысл применения анонимайзера в данном случае?!

Всего записей: 5570 | Зарегистр. 13-12-2005 | Отправлено: 10:42 14-12-2014

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Все дело в кривом патче, при возврате на триальный ключ вкладка Daily отображается нормально:


Всего записей: 858 | Зарегистр. 19-06-2011 | Отправлено: 16:29 17-12-2014

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Все дело в кривом патче, при возврате на триальный ключ вкладка Daily отображается нормально

Да ну? Правда что ли?


FIXED: The days/dates in the hourly and daily forecasts were not displaying the correct days/dates when Windows was setup to use a non-standard date format.
FIXED: The "Refresh" button was not refreshing the map image in the Weather Watcher Map Viewer window.
FIXED: Resized the Station Search window and Local Observation window to prevent them from displaying beneath the Windows taskbar.
FIXED: The map was not displaying when adding new weather stations or when viewing the Local Observations window.
  * FIXED: The negative sign was sometimes wrapping to a second line in the temperatures above the bar graphs in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window.
  * FIXED: The wind value in the tray tooltip window was always rounding to a whole number.
  * FIXED: The system tray icon colors were sometimes still showing the alert colors after an alert was cancelled.
  * FIXED: When using the "Splendid3" interface skin, some of the temperature icons were not displaying in the slider at the bottom of the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window.
  * FIXED: When displaying the "Upcoming Hourly Forecast Icons" in the tray tooltip window, Fahrenheit temperatures were showing the tenths place.
  * FIXED: After adding a new weather station, XML code was sometimes getting inserted into the weather station list in the "Stations" section of the Weather Watcher Options window.

  * FIXED: Wind was not converting properly and/or displaying the wind direction in the Weather Watcher tray tooltip window.

  * FIXED: Tomorrow's daytime forecast was sometimes not appearing in the "Daily" section of the main Weather Watcher window for Weather Underground weather stations.
  * FIXED: Resolved incorrect temperature rounding issues throughout Weather Watcher.
  * FIXED: Some WeatherBug weather stations were always displaying "N/A" for the wind gust in the "Now" section of the main Weather Watcher window.

В действительности всё совершенно иначе, чем на самом деле. © Сент-Экзюпери
Не верьте золотом покрытым пластмассовым словам!

Всего записей: 4312 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2007 | Отправлено: 17:17 17-12-2014 | Исправлено: klarus, 16:44 08-05-2015

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FIXED: The last updated time stamp was displaying in the incorrect time zone for some weather stations.

В действительности всё совершенно иначе, чем на самом деле. © Сент-Экзюпери
Не верьте золотом покрытым пластмассовым словам!

Всего записей: 4312 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2007 | Отправлено: 08:26 27-11-2015

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Всего записей: 245 | Зарегистр. 20-10-2010 | Отправлено: 11:19 30-01-2016

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Последняя версия  7.2.58  

Всего записей: 245 | Зарегистр. 20-10-2010 | Отправлено: 23:07 04-02-2016
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