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28.0.49 (8/5/2021)
1. Fixed: While a recording on a DMS channel or an IPTV channel was going on, watching the channel might not show the entire available video if the recording is longer than the default time-shifting window.
2. Changed: ListFilter(...) string comparison is no longer case sensitive.
3. Changed: Removed the space from the ListFilter(...) delimiter.
4. Changed: When launching to mini view, returning to standard view now shows the playing file in Playing Now.
5. Changed: The new 20 band equalizer uses narrower band settings so presets will more closely match their old behavior.
6. Changed: Date lookup from Google properly escapes the information so something like "Ashford & Simpson" won't cause problems.
7. Fixed: The new APE code could crash on computers with AVX but not AVX2 (the new code requires AVX2).
28.0.48 (8/4/2021)1:43 PM 8/4/2021
1. NEW: Added the ListFilter(...) expression function.
28.0.47 (8/3/2021)
1. Fixed: Recording of a DMS or IPTV channel would be canceled if the user watches and stops watching the channel two times while recording was going on.
2. Fixed: The SetField expression could show the tooltip for the Field expression in some cases.
3. Changed: Updated Norwegian translation (thanks Øistein RIan).
4. NEW: Added the desktop resolution to the crop aspect ratios (so you can crop and then save as wallpaper).
5. NEW: Added the Google Pixel 4a to the list of image crop aspect ratios.
6. Changed: Picking ascpect ratios to crop by in image editor selects as much of the image as possible instead of an arbitrary rectangle.
7. NEW: Typing a custom field into the Fill Track Numbers From List Order tool will save the fields for future use (up to ten are saved).
8. NEW: Added mode 6 to the clean function which removes leading numbers (including spaces, decimals, and commas).
9. Changed: The between tracks mode "Use gapless for sequential album tracks" will only engage when reaching the end of the file (so manual transitions will not use it).
10. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 6.50 -- uses AVX for better compress and decompress performance.
28.0.46 (7/29/2021)
1. NEW: Added the SetField(...) expression function.
2. NEW: Added an expression to be evaluated after playback to Options > Library & Folders.
28.0.45 (7/27/2021)
1. Fixed: Recording of an IPTV channel would fail if no IPTV channel had been watched previously since MC startup.
2. Fixed: Genius.com could provide lyrics with UTF-8 encoding in them.
3. Changed: The UTF-8 decoder understands UTF-8 sequences with four bytes in them.
4. Changed: Audio analysis done by auto-import is done with the lowest thread priority now (so it will fight with the program less).
5. NEW: Made waveform analysis optional in Options > Library & Folders.
6. Changed: Reduced chance of TV recording filename conflicts.
7. NEW: Added a confirmation when switching the language out of English (to hopefully avoid some of the posts asking how to switch back).
8. Fixed: The Back/Forward buttons work properly with the Edge browser engine.
9. Changed: Query boxes like for the name of a saved DSP preset now show even in error free mode (before saving would not work in error free mode).
10. Fixed: When playback put the program in error free mode, it would not exit error free mode on stop.
11. Fixed: Certain global hotkeys will no longer fire when typing while using the Edge web engine.
12. Changed: The timing of recording file creation for DMS and ITPV channels is optimized to avoid recording file conflicts.
13. NEW: Added the number 4 to the TrimLines expression function to replace triple new lines with double.
14. Fixed: When IPTV or DMS channel recording failed to start, there was no notification sent (so the recording appeared to be going on but it was actually not)...

Всего записей: 233 | Зарегистр. 20-08-2017 | Отправлено: 23:07 10-08-2021
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