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26.0.43 (3/27/2020)
1. Fixed: Stopping after the next track advanced two tracks instead of one in build 42.
2. Changed: Removed the option to advance after stopping after a track (now always advances).
26.0.42 (3/27/2020)
1. Fixed: Lyrics drawing wouldn't work well if the lyrics only had a \n for a newline.
2. Changed: Lyrics drawing lets longer lines stay together.
3. NEW: Lyrics drawing can break the lyrics into pages (right-click > Pages on the lyrics display).
4. Changed: Picking Options > General > Remove files from Playing Now after they are played would not work nicely with the Stop After Next command.
5. Changed: Made picking the option Stop After Playing Track advance to the next track on stop.
6. NEW: Added the expression function TrimLines(...) to standardize and consolidate newlines.
7. Changed: "Tree & View > Advanced > Display missing file image in lists" will now be used in the thread that checks file existence (to avoid shutdown lags, etc.).
8. Fixed: When loading EPG data, the entry would appear twice in the power manager part of Reporter.
26.0.41 (3/25/2020)
1. Fixed: Standard View EPG filter box did not keep selection (always changed back to "All Programs") when an update occurred.
2. Fixed: The latitude and longitude would not be read in full resolution from some images.
3. Fixed: The installer would not run on some systems.
4. Changed: Reporter shows the audio analyzed and video analyzed on separate lines.
26.0.40 (3/24/2020)
1. Fixed: Possible playback problems from a buffer change.
26.0.39 (3/23/2020)
1. Changed: When a TV recording is started, Theater View views that show TV recordings will be updated to include the newly added file.
2. Changed: "Use current audio stream as default" context menu item now works on clients playing live TV channels.
3. Changed: JRiver Time-shifting Reader filter will reset subtitle time-stamp upon channel-changes when time-shifting DVB TV channels, in an attempt to fix a subtitle display issue. Testing is appreciated.
4. Fixed: Wavpack could not play files over 2GB properly.
5. Fixed: Another fix to the statusbar rule option naming (should allow customize now).
6. Changed: Updated to Monkey's Audio 5.24 (fixes legacy decoding of 24-bit files).
7. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
8. Fixed: Some MP4 files could cause MC to crash.
9. Changed: When renaming a file that has a JRiver Sidecar, the new sidecar file will be updated to reflect the new file path.
26.0.38 (3/20/2020)
1. Fixed: Corrected the spelling of the StatusBar Rule registry setting.
2. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
3. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
4. NEW: Added the Char(...) expression function to output a character from the numeric code of the character.
5. NEW: Added Artists, Genres, Albums, Years, and Playlists to the Reporter view.
6. NEW: Added the most played albums and tracks to the Reporter view.
26.0.37 (3/19/2020)
1. Changed: Added a second parameter to the GroupSummary(...) expression function that when set to one, does not output things like "avg" or "total".
2. NEW: Added an "Audio" toolbar button that jumps to the last used Audio view.
3. Changed: Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis).
4. NEW: "Audio Programs" context menu will be available when playing a TV channel on a client.
5. NEW: Added a SearchTags(...) expression function that takes a value and returns all the fields that have a match (the parameter after the value is an integer that when set to 1, just returns true or false for matches instead of the field names).
6. NEW: Added the expression function Number(...) that takes a string and finds the number (plus decimal) in the string.
7. NEW: Added the expression function Find(...) to search for a substring in a string.
8. NEW: Added the expression function Trim(...) to trim non-printable characters and newlines from a string.
9. NEW: Added the expression function ListFind(...) to search a list for a value (takes a final parameter to decide if it should return the value or the index).
11. NEW: Added the expression function Range(...) to create a numbered list.
26.0.36 (3/17/2020)
1. Changed: Removed the Network Streamer output plugin (not currently used).
2. Changed: Made the % column width wider for the reporter views on high DPI.
3. NEW: Added the ListShuffle(...) expression function.
4. Fixed: Album counts could be reported two times in the statusbar.
5. NEW: Added the option to load a view from a file (saved JVI) so you don't have to put it in the views folder.
6. Changed: The "Stop After Playing Track" choice in Theater View is only visible in Playing Now.
7. Fixed: Audio Path was not reporting that decoded files were being loaded for memory playback..

Всего записей: 233 | Зарегистр. 20-08-2017 | Отправлено: 23:00 29-03-2020
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